
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

The Reading Rainbow

Hey all. If you remember a while ago I gave you a summer reading list. Well I have a few more for books for you to add to the list.

I picked up The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I have heard nothing but good things about this book. There is a movie adoption coming out of the book. The movie looks amazing so I know the book is going to be great. Here is the trailer from the movie and it will give you the premise for the book.

I started reading the book yesterday and I am only on the 4th chapter... and I must say I love the book already. I can hardly put it down. I have coerced my friends into starting a "book club" thing and we are reading The Help. If you world like to join us, just post your thoughts and comments about the book in the comments section of this post. I know we will have an amazing discussion.

I also picked up The Gospel According to CoCo Chanel by Karen Karbo. As a self-proclaimed lover of fashion I thought it was suiting for me to read this book. If you love fashion like I do, you should pick this up too.

Happy Reading!!!- azureDizzle


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