
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Grab Some Popcorn!!!!

Sexy men alert!! Sexy men alert!! Ladies, If that doesn't get your attention I don't know what would. This new action film coming out in august entitled "Takers" has a cast full of sexy men and honestly I don't know the last time when so many sexy men have been in a film together. This movie can be seen as your typical cops and robbers film reinvented with the hottest actors out today. Im sure you and your man friend will throughly enjoy watching this movie...though Im sure for different reasons.-azureDizzle


Sidebar...so as you well know tonight is game 4 of the NBA Finals between the LA Lakers and Boston Celtics and if you're a guy I'm sure you have been glued to the tv from the beginning of the playoffs. It seems to me that guys are molded to be natural sports fans from an early age. Women not so much. So what is it that keeps us women glued to the tv along with the guys during big games like this?? We at sidebar have come up with the reasons (these are geared specifically for the playoffs but of course could be applied to any sport)

1) Reason number one is that we women love to watch sweaty athletic men run around on the court. What woman doesn't like to watch sexy men with strong muscular arms and legs run around and chest bump and slap each other on the ass?? I mean you must be crazy if you don't like that.

2) Reason number two, we like to be around our significant other (of which I do not have). However, or those of us women who are taken or involved with someone, I'm sure you like to spend time with your man. And what better way to spend time with him than during the finals. Now I know he probably wont be paying you much attention but it is a time to just be around him. And for most women, these are the times that we appreciate.

3) Reason number 3, we have a crush on a certain player that is playing in the big game. I know every woman has watched a game and was like "oh damn who's # whatever...he is FINE!!!!". And you thus proceeded to watch that team just because of that player. And if you say you haven't, no one will believe you because we all do it. No need to front.

4) Reason number four, we may actually be sports fans. I know this sounds crazy but there are some of these women that exist. Its rare, but they do exist.

So if you're a guy reading this, just know that if you invite a woman to watch a game with you, she will be doing so based on one or all of these reasons. I hope this answers any questions about women and sports. Until next time.-azureDizzle

Where you should be..

Its summer time yall, and there are a plethora of events and activities to partake in this summer especially in Columbus. Even if you don't live in Columbus, you may get some ideas of things to do where you live. This is what I love about summer, you can always find something to do. Sidebar would like to give you some ideas on what to get into this summer with friends or even on that hot date you've been planing (wink wink). This weekend will be the Park Street Festival, June 10-12. This local festival is located in the Arena District along Park Street. Grab a drink or drank and some food from the vendors and restaurants along the street. There will also be great live music and other fun activities such as a mechanical bull (FUN!!!). We will keep you updated with other events going on this summer. This is no way you can be bored this summer, no way. Also check out your local paper for other events that may interest you. See you at the festival

Welcome To The Real World

Who said that people should work 8 hours a day?! I'm still employed at the same grueling job that I've continued to gripe about for at least the past year and change does not seem to be near. My position here has changed to where I only want to pull my hair out once a week versus everyday. Hooray! Sounds like great progress huh? Its amazing how many people feel trapped in this job and that everyone if looking for an out...

I recently had a job interview for a new job, still in the banking industry, but is it wrong that I'm rethinking how bad I actually want this position? Here's the story...I have had two interviews with this company, the first went great! I liked the manager, she was friendly and explained the position and atmosphere in a great light. After leaving the interview, I found myself excited about the new opportunity presenting itself. I was supposed to receive word about whether or not they would hire me in a week. I waited...and waited...My interview was originally on a Friday and by time the next Friday rolled around I hadn't heard anything. That next Tuesday, I gave them a call only to leave a message that did not get returned. The next day, Wednesday, I heard from the HR recruiter. She told me that the location I interviewed for had gotten a new manager and that this new manager wanted to speak with me about the position, so we scheduled another interview. Ok so, I wasn't getting blown off...yay! I go to this second interview on Friday and I was very optimistic. I meet the new manager and this woman brought a whole new demeanor. She was friendly, yet very down to business and numbers driven. Some of her questions caught me off guard, not understanding why she was asking them or really what answer she was looking for. When discussing the move from phones to face to face communication, I told her how I considered myself to be a "people person" and preferred face to face communication. She proceeds to ask, "Well then why did you take the position you have now?" Uhhh...I NEEDED A JOB! How am I supposed to answer that question? I was out of college not even 6 months at the time, I was only working part-time, and this job offered full-time hours AND benefits...as bad as the economy was (still is), I couldn't turn it down! I don't understand why that was relevant information or how that proves how qualified I am for this position. When I explained how I saw a growth opportunity at this company, she then asks, "You haven't found any other opportunities with your current job?" Well if you must know, I've applied for several positions only to not hear back from about 98% of them, which basically takes a hit to my confidence level, making me feel like I'm not good enough...is that the answer you wanted? What about being happy that I want to join your company? What about asking me questions about how the position at hand? No? You don't want to ask those questions? Again, another question that I don't think matters for this interview. She also wanted to ask me about goals that I had to meet at my current position with sales. Sounds like a relevant enough question...Oh, you want actual numbers? Like you really want to know how many products I had to sell in a month and what my average handle time was for my calls? I did mention I haven't been on the phone in months right, so whatever figure I throw at you are going to be completely made up!? Come on lady!

Sidebar: Your bland personality is making me wonder how the staff is taking to you? I bet this environment will change shortly, possibly causing unhappy employees. I'm unhappy and I don't even work for you! And FYI: interviews are not only for a manager to get to know a potential employee, but also for the potential employee to get a feel for how the company operates. Shouldn't a manager want to make a good impression for themselves and the company? Just a thought....

Realizing that I'm not excited about the position or the woman I would be working for, do I take the job if it is offered just to get out of my current situation? Would it all be worth it to go into a new job knowing that the manager has already rubbed me the wrong way? It would be a step up, as well as a raise. Sounds like this might be a lose-lose situation... -- KscaY

It's not me, it really is YOU!!!!

Sidebar...so you remember my last relationship post right?? ( I know its been awhile) But if you don't remember, Ill give you the abridged version. My "boyfriend" just stopped calling, or answering calls or texts as a way of "breaking up" with me, without giving me an explanation why. Awful right?? Well I finally heard from him and of course he couldn't give me a valid explanation to his actions, all he gave me was of course Excuses, including but not limited to that he found it hard to communicate with me how he was feeling and that he wasn't ready for a relationship. (But did I mention that he is currently in a relationship with the girl that he was essentially cheating on me with???) This eventual communication came about an the random, with him making brief attempts of contact through text messages and facebook. He apologized for what happened and admitted that what he did was wrong. He says he hopes we could stay in contact and maybe even get together before I leave for law school. My first reaction was of course a straight "hell no". However the question has popped into my head, should I accept his apology and let the past be the past? I honestly find it hard to forgive him just yet because I am honestly still pissed off about the entire situation. I received an awesome message from my sands that talked about forgiveness. It said "...when we choose to forgive, we open our hearts so we can receive Gods forgiveness and allow His love to flow freely through us...people will let you down, they will hurt you and they will disappoint you.Dont let the actions of others block your relationship with the Father by holding unforgiveness" This really hit a soft point with me because I truly believe in the power of forgiveness and yet I am sooo not ready to forgive my ex just yet. Its a complicated emotion. However I do believe that I will be able to forgive, just not now...is that bad? Am I justified in feeling this way? Will God give me a pass for a little bit to be mad? We'll see I guess..azureDizzle


On behalf of the Sidebar crew, I would like to say that we greatly apologize for neglecting you for so long. Its been nearly 2 months since our last post. A lot of things have been going on in our lives and we have neglected to share those things with you our readers. Im making this pledge to you that we will no longer leave you hanging for so long. I know you have been waiting patiently for us to get it together. And to ease your mind, Im letting you know that we are back in action and there will be new and juicy blogs posts to come. With love, Sidebar


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