
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Welcome to the Real World!

So you know that moment after college when you get your job and finally get your grown person apartment?? Do you remember how great that felt? But then after a while you realize that you don't have any grown person things to put in it?? I have been struggling with this concept because I feel that the apartment you had in college should be totally different from the apartment you have after college. Like the after college apartment is a testimony to your grown person status. But I have come to realize that it is also a mentality. In college, your apartment was filled with just enough to get by. You may have had one pot, one pan, a couple plates and bowls, you know, just enough utensils to get you through. But now this is no longer acceptable. As a grown person you need to have everything you could possibly want or need. Your GROWN. If need be, you should be able to cook up a 5 course meal and have enough pots and pans to cook everything. And sadly, most of us don't. We, myself included, only have enough to get by. So in 2011 I am changing this. I am a grown, semi-independant, law student and I need to get into that mind set. And I am going to begin with my apartment. I'm going to decorate and supply my apartment with all the furnishings and what-nots that grown people need. This may sound weird but I think it will make a huge difference on how I feel. What staples do you have in your apartment that makes it the ultimate "grown folks" apartment??-azureDizzle


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