
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Sidebar Salon

Sooo...I really want to cut my hair like Chrisette Micheles. I think it is an ultra cute cut..and I'm just finding the right time to do it. But lately I've noticed that guys dont really like short hair...and I really dont know why.(not that everything I do is to impress guys...but hey it is a factor in my life...Im not getting any younger). But anyway, I used to have super long hair (at least to my standards) in high school and I always wanted to cut it. But everyone I knew was like "no..keep your hair...your hair makes you..blah blah blah". Even now, after I finally cut it off, and grew it back, I proposed cutting my hair to my friends. My girls were just as excited as I am...my guy friends not so much. After viewing this awesome picture above, I asked one of my closer "homeboys" if he was "feeling" it...and he, to my disappointment, shook his head no. I dont think anyone should be defined by their hair...its low key insulting...what am I not as cute with short hair?...do I look more masculine with short hair? what is it? Is my ego not as big? I dont think so.

Sidebar...Ladies and gentlemen not believe the hype about long hair. Its not as fun as everyone seems to think it is, especially during the summer. Who wants something long and hot sitting on ur neck in humid 90 degree weather? It sucks. Guys you should understand too...try wearing a big fro in the summertime...and you'll soon feel me.

So for now I'm still going to wait on my cut. The change will come soon though. And then you'll see that I will be just as fly as ever.--a.k.47


Anonymous said...

from a males point of view NO having short hair doesn't make a woman more masculine but the short hair look isn't for every girl and that's what our problem is with the whole cutting of the hair deal with women. The short hair does look good on some women but its not for everyone, thats like saying imma get dreds because it looks good on other people. as far as you personally short hair wouldnt look bad on you. jus dont go to the extreme with it..

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