
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Livin' La Vida Homo!

Alright, so it finally happened, Ricky Martin came out of the closet. Its kinda like when you were really little and you thought that if you covered your eyes you were hidden cause you couldn't see them so they couldn't see you. Yeah, Ricky, I knew your behind was gay, just cause you didn't say it doesn't mean I didn't know.

I mean, cummon, I have 2/3 brothers who are gay. Different extremes, but both gay. Like Stronge in Boomerang "I know gay! My brotha is gay!" lol.
Well, I guess a Zippity Doo Dah and Congrats are underway to him for finally releasing himself to be who he was all along.
So, sorry ladies, but SHAKE YOUR BON BON RICKY! (Which totally explains the wording of that song now!) lol


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