
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Sidebar Salon

Sidebar...sooo I have a question...When did the tail come back in style??? and yes I am refering to the Eddie Murphy "Coming to America" tail circa 1988... when did that haircut come back in style??? never you say?...thats what I thought. So you can believe my shock and amazement when I saw this guy come into my store with a "the tail". He is clearly stuck in the 80s because the last time I checked it was 2009 and the tail has been out of style for a long, long time. So if you see this guy and or any other guy like him, who believes that the tail is still a cool, bomb (or any other positive adjective) hair cut, please sit him down and smack the shit out of him to kindly bring him back to modern times. Thank you.--azureDizzle


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