
Sidebar...we say the things that you think but don't say. We are your inner voice in other words. Three spicy bloggers with a passion for fashion, celebrities, and relationships (just don't call us the Spice Girls, or we'll have to slap you). Hope you enjoy! Wait...I know you will enjoy.

Welcome to the Real World!

Sidebar...so you remember when I was complaining and complaining about how much I hated post-graduate life and how much I wanted to go back to school?? Yes?? Well I got what I asked for...Im in law school and it is seriously tough. Now I am getting ready for finals and I feel uber overwhelmed. It feels like I have so much to do but so little time to do it. And really all I want to do is go to sleep. I would love nothing more than to go home and lay on my futon, watch SVU and drink some good ol' tea. lol. But I can't. However, can I really complain for real?? This is what I wanted right?? I need to keep my goal in mind...in 3 years I WILL pass the bar, get a good job with the DAs office in NYC, get my red convertible VW Beetle and my rott, live in a loft apt in Manhattan, and go shopping when I feel like it. "I just close my eyes and DREAM"-Glen Lewis.- azureDizzle


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