Thats My Jam!!!-Anita Baker Tribute STA 2010
Sidebar...these ladies absolutely KILLED this tribute to Anita Baker. They sang all of my fav Anita songs. I was JAMMIN. Anita is a legend and this tribute really shows that. The artists who performed (Chrisette Michelle, Tamia, Faith Evans, Kem, Rachelle Farrell, Lalah Hathaway, Goapele, Dionne Farris) did all of her songs absolute justice. The performances made me want to watch it over and over and over again. If you love good music, I know you will love this tribute. Enjoy it over and over again-azureDizzle
Monday, November 29, 2010 | Labels: anita baker, music, soul train awards | 1 Comments
The "Grown Folks" shopping list
I hope ya'll had a very Happy and Fat Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with your family and friends. As you know today is "Black Friday" and I'm sure a lot of you were out early this morning, hitting the stores, waiting in line and elbowing people for that dirt cheap 40 inch flat screens. Now that we are getting older, our Christmas lists have dramatically changed. No longer are we making that 10 item Christmas list and writing "To: Santa" up top, in hopes that Santa will grant our Christmas wishes. Reality has set in. It actually set in a LONG time ago. Now, we are not really expecting any thing, not even from our parents. We "hope" our parents will be gracious to us and pop up with that awesome gift. But for those of us, who are still making that Christmas list (even if we are going to be the ones that buy it...for ourselves), here is a quick list of what "Grown Folks" are asking for these days.
1) Electronics: Now we know the fellas have always had the electronics on their list. But most of us ladies, my self included, have not always had them at the top of our list. Especially if you are in school or even if you are working and need things to get your mind off of work. Check out the Electronic Readers if you like to read or need an easier way to carry your outlines and junk for class. Check out the Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble Nook. I love to read and if you do to, I'm sure you will love these. Even though I feel like there is nothing like a good ol' library book, I guess I need to get hip with the 20th century right?
2) Homegoods: A lot of us have our own apartments and like for them to look nice. You know, like the apartments in the Homegoods magazine. Fully furnished and decorated with expensive art on the walls. Well not all of us are ballers, but Im sure most of us would like nice paintings or center-pieces that will give our apartment (or house) that pop that will brighten up the whole room. Check out Target or HomeGoods/Marshalls for nice paintings and other home goods items that will set your apartment on fire (not literally of course). Plus who doesn't need a tea pot...cause I do.
3) Perfume: Grown Folks like perfume....period. Haha. Well if you are shopping for yourself, your boo, your lady, check out the perfume aisle. Plenty of celebs have released new perfumes lately. Check out Beyonce 'Heat', Diddy's 'Unforgivabe' (for him), Coco Chanel 'Mademoiselle' (my fave). Ask the perfume lady and tell her what you are looking for. I'm sure you will find the perfect gift.
4) Handbags: I mean does this really need an explanation?? Look for colors that POP. Large satchel bags and cross-body's are in. You will be hot for new years with your bomb.com bag.
5) Money!!!! I mean. What can't you use money for?? Best gift ever invented.
Remember this season what the holdiays are actually about. Even if you are not giving gifts this year, a nice Christmas card always brightened up someones holiday. Happy Shopping- azureDizzle
Friday, November 26, 2010 | Labels: Black Friday, Christmas, shopping | 0 Comments
Reading Rainbow
Sidebar...ya'll need to check out this hot fire new blog!!! www.fancyayancey.com Follow Fancy A. Yancey through her daily "random musings" about life, work, relationships and self-reflection. She has creative postings about topics that EVERYONE can relate to. She is smart, funny, reflective, hard-working and of course my sands!!! OOOO-OOOP to Yancey. I love her blog and I KNOW you will too.-azureDizzle
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Change Clothes...And GO!
Hellooooo Sidebar! I have missed you all!
Now that the weather is changing and it gets dark at 4PM (EST)...it's about that time for me to make a change too...
I've been stressing over the same guy for most of this year and altough we had some good times together, he has officially been DELETED! For me, if there is no trace of him anywhere in my phone, he can be out of sight, out of mind, and therefore, a part of my past. Granted there are some lingering feelings but there's no switch to turn that off (IF ONLY!). I've beat my brain to death trying to figure out where it went wrong and what happened, only to realize, I don't think I care anymore. So with that said...I must do what every girl does when she closes a chapter in her life...changes whatever she has control of changing! (hair, body, home decor, etc.)
I started with getting a new tattoo. A small star on my wrist that I've been drawing on myself for the past 80 years, claiming I was going to get it one day. That day came and I was a 'G' about it! Unlike my first tattoo, located on my foot, I didn't need anyone to hold my hand, nor did I have to use the restroom in fear of peeing on myself...can we say GROWN UP?! **patting myself on the back**
Next move to make...I plan on coloring my hair for the first time! (Even though YBreyn doesn't believe me) I will NOT punk out, I promise. Nothing too drastic but it will be a different look. I'm getting too bored with my hair, so again, it's time for a CHANGE.
Another move I would like to make, is just that...MOVE! I've been stuck in one place basically my whole life and I think it's time to branch out. The same ol scenes just aren't doing it for me anymore. An adventure is calling my name so I must answer. I've already started applying for jobs outside of the city, and mostly outside the state. Gotta start there. Don't wanna be broke or homeless on this new adventure, that's for sure! I refuse to settle for standing still when a new path can be built. Until now, I've just been too scared to leave what is my safety net. I've watched most of my friends take on new challenges and admire their strength. Now it's my turn. Forget the fear of the unknown and leap head first!
Sidebar: It would be great if my life was like one of those movies where the woman finally makes that scary move and it is all worth it! She gets her new fabulous job, which pays WELL, bringing on a new wardrobe, a chic new haircut, a personal trainer causing her to drop 80 pounds in a week, who in turn introduces her to his best friend, Mr. Right...after months of living the good life, she runs into the guy who was the root of all these changes, where she is shocked to hear him thank her for helping him see who he really is. She asks, "How did I do that?" He replies by saying, "I want to introduce you to Michael, my life partner..."
Welcome back Sidebar readers! -- KscaY
Monday, November 22, 2010 | Labels: change, move | 0 Comments
Spotlight today is on the American Music Awards 2010...did anyone watch it?? Well I almost forgot but I caught it just in time. I only have a couple observations from the show:
1) P.Diddy/ Puffy/ Diddy/ Sean P.Diddy Combs or whatever he is calling himself now a days LOVES HIMSELF and that part had to GO!!!
2) I loved seeing the Backstreet Boys...I am a product of the Boy Band Revolution and it was awesome seeing them together again. Now they didn't sound the same...but I was happy that they were singing and dancing again..and not on drugs.
3) New Kids need to give it up...they were one of the first Super Boy bands to come out besides New Edition...and you dont see New Edition coming back for a reunion do you? New Kids...your moment has passed. Time to give it up and let the young cats step in. Plus they sounded awful and just couldnt keep up with the dance moves. but hey, they tried i guess.
4) Nikki Menage is...INTERESTING. That's the only descriptive word I could think of.
5) I love Christina and Pink!!!!
Those are my thoughts...what were yours??- azureDizzle
Monday, November 22, 2010 | Labels: ama, music | 0 Comments
Have you ever been so frustrated and overwhelmed that even the little things will make you break down?? Like all these waves are crashing in on you??? Well it happened to me today...the energy company cut my electricity cold off this morning. A reasonable prudent person in my situation would say "Oh no big deal. It's a mistake. They will fix it". Well since, @ this point in my life, I am NOT a reasonable prudent person, and have been dealing with this company for 4 months I was at my wits end. Plus the fact that I still am dealing with classes and studying for finals and dealing with boo # 1 (thats a story all in itself) this stupid energy crisis was more than I can handle. Im feeling a little better now but I just need a moment to myself...to compose myself. You know...take a breath. Ahhh. I still have a full day of classes. So hopefully tonight I can get my life together. Pray for me yall. -azureDizzle
Friday, November 19, 2010 | Labels: frustration, life | 0 Comments
Welcome to the Real World!
Sidebar...so you remember when I was complaining and complaining about how much I hated post-graduate life and how much I wanted to go back to school?? Yes?? Well I got what I asked for...Im in law school and it is seriously tough. Now I am getting ready for finals and I feel uber overwhelmed. It feels like I have so much to do but so little time to do it. And really all I want to do is go to sleep. I would love nothing more than to go home and lay on my futon, watch SVU and drink some good ol' tea. lol. But I can't. However, can I really complain for real?? This is what I wanted right?? I need to keep my goal in mind...in 3 years I WILL pass the bar, get a good job with the DAs office in NYC, get my red convertible VW Beetle and my rott, live in a loft apt in Manhattan, and go shopping when I feel like it. "I just close my eyes and DREAM"-Glen Lewis.- azureDizzle
Thursday, November 18, 2010 | Labels: law school, work | 0 Comments
Life is crazy isn't it??? How things can change so quickly and priorities change. Basically this is what happened with Sidebar. We are not making any excuses but law school, work, moving etc between us has taken over and Sidebar has run by the way-side. We still love yall tho and havn't totally forgot about you. We will be picking back up and giving you more attention. This is our resolution to you, our followers and readers. I know you've missed us and we've missed you too. So keep us in your hearts and minds and get ready for some new posts.- azureDizze, Kscay and Brie-Z
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 | | 0 Comments
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