Welcome To The Real World
Who said that people should work 8 hours a day?! I'm still employed at the same grueling job that I've continued to gripe about for at least the past year and change does not seem to be near. My position here has changed to where I only want to pull my hair out once a week versus everyday. Hooray! Sounds like great progress huh? Its amazing how many people feel trapped in this job and that everyone if looking for an out...
I recently had a job interview for a new job, still in the banking industry, but is it wrong that I'm rethinking how bad I actually want this position? Here's the story...I have had two interviews with this company, the first went great! I liked the manager, she was friendly and explained the position and atmosphere in a great light. After leaving the interview, I found myself excited about the new opportunity presenting itself. I was supposed to receive word about whether or not they would hire me in a week. I waited...and waited...My interview was originally on a Friday and by time the next Friday rolled around I hadn't heard anything. That next Tuesday, I gave them a call only to leave a message that did not get returned. The next day, Wednesday, I heard from the HR recruiter. She told me that the location I interviewed for had gotten a new manager and that this new manager wanted to speak with me about the position, so we scheduled another interview. Ok so, I wasn't getting blown off...yay! I go to this second interview on Friday and I was very optimistic. I meet the new manager and this woman brought a whole new demeanor. She was friendly, yet very down to business and numbers driven. Some of her questions caught me off guard, not understanding why she was asking them or really what answer she was looking for. When discussing the move from phones to face to face communication, I told her how I considered myself to be a "people person" and preferred face to face communication. She proceeds to ask, "Well then why did you take the position you have now?" Uhhh...I NEEDED A JOB! How am I supposed to answer that question? I was out of college not even 6 months at the time, I was only working part-time, and this job offered full-time hours AND benefits...as bad as the economy was (still is), I couldn't turn it down! I don't understand why that was relevant information or how that proves how qualified I am for this position. When I explained how I saw a growth opportunity at this company, she then asks, "You haven't found any other opportunities with your current job?" Well if you must know, I've applied for several positions only to not hear back from about 98% of them, which basically takes a hit to my confidence level, making me feel like I'm not good enough...is that the answer you wanted? What about being happy that I want to join your company? What about asking me questions about how the position at hand? No? You don't want to ask those questions? Again, another question that I don't think matters for this interview. She also wanted to ask me about goals that I had to meet at my current position with sales. Sounds like a relevant enough question...Oh, you want actual numbers? Like you really want to know how many products I had to sell in a month and what my average handle time was for my calls? I did mention I haven't been on the phone in months right, so whatever figure I throw at you are going to be completely made up!? Come on lady!
Sidebar: Your bland personality is making me wonder how the staff is taking to you? I bet this environment will change shortly, possibly causing unhappy employees. I'm unhappy and I don't even work for you! And FYI: interviews are not only for a manager to get to know a potential employee, but also for the potential employee to get a feel for how the company operates. Shouldn't a manager want to make a good impression for themselves and the company? Just a thought....
Realizing that I'm not excited about the position or the woman I would be working for, do I take the job if it is offered just to get out of my current situation? Would it all be worth it to go into a new job knowing that the manager has already rubbed me the wrong way? It would be a step up, as well as a raise. Sounds like this might be a lose-lose situation... -- KscaY
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