Welcome to the Real World!
I wish that our college professors/advisers would have warned us about the life of a college graduate. Its not as wonderful as everyone makes it out to be. Before I actually graduated, I thought that life would be so much easier and wonderful after I finally got my degree. I actually believed in the "post-graduate myth"...that after my college years I would find a wonderful job, get a new car, new apartment, get to travel with my friends to fun destinations whenever we felt like it, buy those pair of shoes that I "couldn't live without" cuz I had a degree and a job and could do so....
but sadly this is all a lie. No one tells you while you're in school that you wont be able to find a job after graduation or if you do find one, it will be some random dead end job that you can do in your sleep...or that people will look at you crazy, while ringing up their shoes, when you say that you have a degree and all they can ask is "and you work retail??". They don't tell you that you will have to live paycheck to paycheck because once those student loans kick in...it will kick your ass. On top of the other necessary bills (cell phone, credit cards,etc) And don't even think about going out or shopping or on vacation. These are basically non-existent. And for a shopaholic like me..that is devastating all in itself. They don't tell you that you'll need to damn there work two jobs to pay all the bills that you have and live midway comfortably (I'm trying to get my side grind on as we speak). They also don't tell you that once you graduate you'll hate the real world so much that you'll be running to get back in school...literally running. Its a struggle out here. Now I understand why people stay in school 5, 6, 7 years. Instead of having a banner at graduation that says "Congratulations", it should say "Our condolences". So let me end by saying...don't believe the post-graduate myth. Life after graduation is not all that it's cracked up to be. Trust.--azureDizzle
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
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